Articles tagged #AGRICULTURE
Articles tagged
How does Push-Pull Pest Management Work?
By applying sustainable, climate-smart techniques like push-pull pest management, Betty increased her harvests, fed her children, and boosted family income.
A New Future Brewing for Hambisa
Hambisa is married with three sons and one daughter. To make a living, he farmed as well as collected and sold firewood, but it wasn’t sufficient to support his family. Hambisa struggled to make his land productive. Land degradation and high soil acidity prevented most farmers like him in Sasiga from growing enough food
Strength for Today, Bright Hope for Tomorrow
Five years ago, families in the community of Prasat Krohom Meanchey were struggling. Parents couldn’t find employment that paid enough to support their children. The land wouldn’t give enough to feed their children. In desperation, many fathers like Chhom migrated to neighbouring provinces or even crossed the border into Thailand looking for work in construction.
From Migrants to Makers
How do we achieve SDG 1 Zero Hunger so families don't have to migrate for work? By providing sustainable livelihoods for the whole community.
Cultivating Empowerment
In North America, the phrase ‘business woman’ might trigger the image of power suits, striking presentations, and hurried cups of coffee while taking yet another conference call. But one group of women in Guatemala is proving to be so much more.
A Child, A Community, and You
Child Sponsorship doesn’t just transform the life of a single child— it changes the whole community. By developing leaders, training teachers, and equipping farmers, the resources from your sponsorship have a wide-reaching impact.
Cropping Out Poverty
Before partnering with FH, many communities farmed and gardened in ways they had done for centuries. While traditional farming methods are important, it’s also necessary to incorporate simple new agricultural techniques that keep soil healthy and diversify crops. As FH partners with communities, many are looking for better agricultural success. Implementing these new practices are the first place to start.