Environmental Care

Climate Challenges, Community Solutions

What did you have for lunch? Chancesare, the ingredients are vulnerable to climate change. Have you ever thought about how the crusty sourdough for your sandwich relies on a delicate balance of rain and sunshine for the grain to grow? Or how the meat and cheese depend on stable conditions for livestock? Even the lettuce and tomatoes need just the right amount of water to thrive.

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How does Push-Pull Pest Management Work?

By applying sustainable, climate-smart techniques like push-pull pest management, Betty increased her harvests, fed her children, and boosted family income.

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5 Reasons You Should Start Composting

When you think of compost, what comes to mind? A small bin you keep under your sink that still smells like yesterday’s lunch (or maybe even last week’s dinner)? Or, if you read the recent CBC article on vermicomposting, perhaps a handful of wriggling worms?

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"Miracle Tree" Heals Sarah's Back

Have you ever heard of the neem tree?

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Waste Less, Share More

Did you know that more than 800 million people in the world don’t get enough to eat each day? That’s a shocking number. What’s even more shocking is that the world actually produces enough food to nourish each and every one of those children, women, and men.

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Buzzing with Life

It’s a bright, sunny morning and you’ve made some healthy buckwheat pancakes for breakfast. Digging through your pantry for some punchy, flavourful toppings, you pull out blueberry jam, almond butter, and some honey. Thinking briefly about the bees that make your honey, you spread a liberal amount of the sweet, sticky topping on your pancakes. Little do you realize, it’s not just honey that bees are responsible for. Without bees, you would not have any ingredients that make up your breakfast! Buckwheat pancakes, blueberry jam, and almond butter all come from crops that bees play a large role in pollinating.

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From Tree to Table A Global Food Journey

Global food markets connect cultures and farms around the world. But are they good for us? Follow a mango from Mexico to Canada to find out!

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Why Indigenous Women Are Key to Climate Resilience

This Earth Day, I've been thinking a lot about Guatemala's Indigenous women and girls– not only about the adverse effect climate change has on their lives, but also the potential they have to transform their communities to be resilient to those effects.

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Flourishing in Place

Canadians feel the seasons, no matter where in our massive country we live. But imagine this—attempting to judge the seasons by the produce department at your local supermarket. You’d be led to think we all lived in a perpetual summer. Strawberries in January? No problem! What about tomatoes, red peppers, or cucumbers in February? Fill your shopping cart!

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Smallholder Farmer Battles Termites, and Wins!

Anyone who has ever spent time on a farm knows how fickle the field of agriculture is. A little bad weather, a natural disaster, or an insect infestation can derail a farmer’s work so severely that they have to start over.

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Give To The Land And It Gives Back

Some call it "Farming God's Way." It's a way of farming that incorporates major values taught in the Bible; values like redemption, rest, stewardship of the earth, and more.

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Star Wars The Forest Awakens - Winners and Losers in 3 Epic Battles for Biodiversity

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away …

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Lessons on Forests and Food Security from a Water Hyacinth

What the water didn’t know, though, was that the hyacinth is one of the most productive plants on earth. It boasts an incredible reproduction rate; doubling in size each day, and sending out runner stems to establish tons of “daughter plants”. The story goes on to describe how the hyacinth did just that …

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New Cookstove Cuts Down on Deforestation in Ethiopia

Deforestation is a global reality that significantly contributes to climate change.

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Your Gift Matters

For holistic and integrated development to succeed, everyone needs to pitch in, and everyone's pitch counts. Whether it's $25 for a pair of chickens or $100 for a sewing machine - each contribution is an integral piece of the vibrant mosaic of a thriving community.

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