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How do you break the cycle of poverty and create generational change? Thirty years ago, Food for the Hungry Canada began with a vision to see poverty ended—one community at a time. Now, a generation later, families have left poverty behind, and are flourishing.
Come hear from those who have lived—and are living!—transformation from the roots up. Here's your chance to personally connect with those who see your support in-action. Likewise, be inspired by special guest speaker and internationally acclaimed author Ann Voskamp.
Hear stories of of transformation directly from advocates and international community members
Hear stories of of transformation directly from advocates and international community members
Enjoy music and poetry celebrating diversity and positive change for communities
Enjoy music and poetry celebrating diversity and positive change for communities
Taste the flavours of Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Guatemala with a sampling of appies and treats
Taste the flavours of Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Guatemala with a sampling of appies and treats
Discover a new perspective on poverty and experience the impact of generational change made possible by compassionate Canadians like you.
A night of stories and resilience
May 23, 2024
6:30pm - Global Delights & Bites
Followed by Stories and Resilience
Followed by Stories and Resilience
Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, ON
$30 per person
$30 per person
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RSVP by May 14 to save your seat!featuring
Special Guest
Ann Voskamp
Author, wife, mother, FH AdvocateDescribing herself as "mamma to seven, wife of one fine farmer, [with] eyes set on living for an audience of One," Ann is a powerful advocate for finding beauty in the midst of mess. She has authored four New York Times bestselling books around this theme, including the acclaimed One Thousand Gifts: A dare to live fully right where you are. Several years ago, God led Ann to a relationship with Food for the Hungry where she has brought her advocacy to bear on behalf of the families we work with. She has visited partner communities, walked with families and listened to their stories, and seen their potential to flourish.
Stories from Svey Leu
Partner community
in Cambodia
Take in a showcase of what transformation looks like for children and families
Partner community
in Cambodia
Take in a showcase of what transformation looks like for children and families
Jervis Djokoto
Singer, songwriter, pastor,
and author
Enjoy musical guest, Jervis, performing African Contemporary Jazzy Gospel music
Singer, songwriter, pastor,
and author
Enjoy musical guest, Jervis, performing African Contemporary Jazzy Gospel music
Ingrid Delgado Arana
Community Ambassador, FH Guatemala
Learn about the journey with Guatemalan communities after hurricanes, floods, and a pandemic
Community Ambassador, FH Guatemala
Learn about the journey with Guatemalan communities after hurricanes, floods, and a pandemic
Musu Taylor-Lewis
President & CEO, FH Canada
Meet the new leader to FH Canada, a champion for community-led work
President & CEO, FH Canada
Meet the new leader to FH Canada, a champion for community-led work
Student and poet, Rwanda
Experience her evocative spoken word commemorating the journey FH took with her community of Busekera
Student and poet, Rwanda
Experience her evocative spoken word commemorating the journey FH took with her community of Busekera
Bruce Daccord
Donor and business partner
Hear about his firsthand experience visiting Cambodia, and how partnership is transforming his work at home
Donor and business partner
Hear about his firsthand experience visiting Cambodia, and how partnership is transforming his work at home
What is poverty? Explore a fresh perspective at Flourishing.
How we define the problem determines what the solutions will be. Consider all the facets of your life; we bet you can categorize them within four essential relationships—a relationship to God, self, others, or creation. Poverty emerges where any of these are broken.
Ending poverty is about reconciling broken relationships. Let’s work together to understand poverty and how we can make lasting changes in communities worldwide and in our own backyards. Together we can flourish.
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Questions? We have answers!
For general questions, purchasing tickets over the phone, or other logistics please contact:
Donna Zaengle, Administrative Coordinator
For special event questions, or to connect with our local representative, please contact:
Esther Atemo, Ontario Donor Engagement Lead
Donna Zaengle, Administrative Coordinator
For special event questions, or to connect with our local representative, please contact:
Esther Atemo, Ontario Donor Engagement Lead
A. We suggest casual or business casual—you might feel out of place in your sequins gown or tuxedo! This is a night to celebrate what God is doing through your support and the work of Food for the Hungry, so dress for a night of connecting and conversation!
Q. How will parking work for the event?
A. Free parking—yes, you read that right—will be available in the science centre’s north lot after 4:00pm. Parking lot gates will be open for people to enter and exit freely.
Q. Will the event provide supper?
A. No, a traditional meal will not be provided. But! You can look forward to the event’s Global Bites and Delights, where you can sample appetizers and sweet treats of authentic recipes from Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Guatemala.
Q. I have special dietary requirements; can you accommodate me?
A. We are excited to host you from the Ontario Science Centre, and serve you bite-sized foods prepared by L’eat Catering. We cannot guarantee these facilities are completely free of contamination from gluten, dairy, or nuts.
Q. Does the venue have an accessibility entrance?
A. The Ontario Science Centre, as an Agency of the Government of Ontario, is committed to excellence in serving all visitors and staff, including those with disabilities. This includes wheelchair ramps; designated accessible extra-wide parking spaces; Accessible, Family and Special Needs/All-Gender washrooms, and some automated entries. Event attendees will enter through the main entrance and have access to an escalator or elevator to the event space.