Refining Moments for Canadian Youth

Written by
Tatum Bergen
Published on
September 12, 2024 at 2:46:43 PM PDT September 12, 2024 at 2:46:43 PM PDTth, September 12, 2024 at 2:46:43 PM PDT
How a trip to Guatemala sparked change for the next generation

When you look at the state of the world, do you see hope for the next generation? Alycia does. As the Youth and Young Adults Pastor at New Life Church in Duncan, B.C., she has a front-row seat to the next generation of Jesus-followers in Canada.

In the spring of 2023, Alycia and a group of youth joined FH staff on a trip to FH partner communities in Guatemala. They visited and prayed with families in their homes, played with children, and witnessed the transformative work of local leaders.

The trip to Guatemala was a refining moment for these youth. They were challenged by the selfless love of the people they met. The youth witnessed a different way of living in Guatemala and came back with a “softness, tenderness, and awareness to poverty” that they didn’t have before, Alycia shares.

One student was so impacted by the deep love for Christ he saw in community members that he chose to be baptized when he returned home. Another youth stepped out of her comfort zone and now feels a call to serve the global church. Others were profoundly impacted by the generosity of community members to open their homes, kitchens, and life stories. “I don’t share easily; I don’t have that mentality of ‘what’s mine is yours and yours is mine,’” one student reflected.

Ignited to deepen their love for God and their community when they came home, several of the youth became involved in an outreach program to their local Indigenous community.

The journey of discipleship

The trip to Guatemala was a character-forming experience. But Alycia is convinced it’s just the beginning. “Our discipleship is not a one-and-done,” Alycia shares.

“There’s moments in life that can be catalysts, refining moments that Apostle Paul talks about... I’m not living from one pivotal moment to the next, but it’s that pivotal moment that’s bringing me deeper into the heart of Christ. You’re never done growing.” — Alycia

Discipling the next generation, for Alycia, is teaching youth to love God with all their hearts which will naturally overflow into a love for others. By learning to draw closer to the heart of Christ, their hearts and worldviews are transformed. And that changes the entire trajectory of their lives.

Wendy, 13, demonstrates her loom skills to the team and her Canadian sponsor family, while her mom beams with pride.

The heart of the next generation

Alycia’s seen with her own eyes how Canadian youth are open to the heart of God: “The older generation says that the church in the West is dying. But [to me], this next generation is so open to the heart of Christ that it’s going to connect them even more to the heart of the people that

God’s heart is for.”

“When I see this generation,” Alycia continues, “they’re the ones who are willing to sit in the uncomfortable conversations and say, ‘Come along and let’s walk along this together.’”

When you look at the next generation around you, remember Alycia’s encouragement. This generation is open to the heart of Christ, ready to serve him and boldly proclaim, “the Kingdom comes!”

Would you like to be ignited to end poverty, too? Explore an Ending Poverty Together workshop to learn more about how FH does the work that impacted New Life Church Youth and have your own definition of poverty redefined.

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