
Food for the Hungry began working in Ethiopia in 1974 and responded to the Great Famine of 1984, partnering with communities to improve food security and solutions for clean water.

Today, FH Canada walks with nine communities in the Sasiga Mid-Highlands, which are nearing the end of their partnership with FH and will celebrate their achievements toward sustainability in 2024.

Community Snapshot

The Sasiga Mid-Highlands is a hilly expanse covered in brush, trails, and dirt roads. The Mid-Highlands is known for its high agricultural potential, with its many rivers and warm climate making the area perfect for livestock and crop production, such as coffee and fruits. The people are warm and enjoy hosting visitors at their daily, unique coffee-brewing rituals. In 2014, FH began a partnership with a new cluster of communities in the Sasiga Mid-Highlands. After years of partnership with FH, the nine communities have made great strides toward sustainability. They’ve dramatically improved their water access infrastructure, raised the health of families and children, enrolled more girls in school, regenerated dead soil for farming, and made great gains in food security!

Community Goals

Food for the Hungry walks alongside communities and leaders in the Sasiga Mid-Highlands to help them overcome their challenges and establish sustainable thriving. Together, they annually create primary goals to address their biggest obstacles. Their goals are:

Improve food security and livelihood status of children and families

Reduce child and maternal morbidity and prevent malnutrition

Help children reach their full potential through targeted early childhood interventions

Leadership Development
Reduce impacts of disasters, shocks, and stresses on the communities

Progress Updates

2023 Year End

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2023 Mid Year

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2022 Year End

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