
Food for the Hungry started working in Bangladesh, one of the most densely populated countries in the world, in 1972. Currently, Char Borobila is in the final years of partnership, while new communities in Ukhia are just beginning their journey out of poverty!

Community Snapshot

The community of Char Borobila is settled near the banks of the Brahmaputra river. Most households in Char Borobila are dependent on a single wage earner, and men often work for less than a living wage while cultural stigmas prevent their wives from seeking an income. Thanks to FH involvement, thousands of women have been assisted in earning an income, and have become involved in Savings and Loans groups which provide additional financial security for their families. Char Borobila is moving on from FH programming to self-sustainability in 2024.

Ukhia is located on the eastern part of the coast, near the Rohingya refugee camp. Before the influx of refugees, Ukhia’s residents were already in a precarious position with poor sanitation, environmental degradation, and food insecurity. Now, the increased population has driven up market prices and has taken a further toll on the surrounding environment. It’s into this context that FH seeks to walk alongside the community on their journey out of extreme poverty.

Community Goals

Food for the Hungry walks alongside communities and leaders in Bangladesh to help them overcome their challenges and establish sustainable thriving. Together, they annually create primary goals to address their biggest obstacles. Their goals are:

Increase household income and its proper utilization

Improve health and nutrition status of mothers and children

Leadership Development
Increase capability of vulnerable communities to respond to disaster and build resilience to climate change

Improve holistic development of children through early childhood intervention

Progress Updates

2024 Celebration

After a fruitful partnership with the communities of Char Borobila, Food for the Hungry is excited to celebrate the successful completion of our partnership.

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2024 Mid Year

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2023 Year End

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2023 Mid Year

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