public Rwanda

My Name is Regis

  • cake 10
  • sports_soccer Soccer
  • water_full Carrying Water
  • calculate Arithmetic


Hi there, I'm a nine-year-old boy living in Bwira, Rwanda, a place where life isn't the easiest. I have a brother and a sister who I love very much. At school, arithmetic is my favourite - numbers are like a fun game to me! After school, I help out by carrying water for my family, it's hard work but I'm good at it.

My life is kind of tough because Bwira is a very poor place and it's hard to get to because of the tricky mountain roads. Not long ago, most of us here only had swamp water to drink! But things got better when FH Sponsorship stepped in to assist us. Thanks to them, I go to school regularly now and I get all the health care I need. They're even teaching adults in our community how to grow vegetables, raise livestock, and earn money by working together.

Whenever I kick a soccer ball, I feel like I can do anything. Even tough times are more bearable when there's hope. So, please keep me, my family and my community in your prayers. Thank you for believing in us and giving us hope.