public Rwanda

My Name is Albert

  • cake 9
  • sports_soccer Soccer
  • group_add Helping the Family
  • translate Language


Hi! I'm an 8-year-old boy from Bwira, Rwanda and I love language classes at school! Bwira is a little tough to get to because of our curvy mountain roads. Most families, like mine, farm small areas of land. But we're making improvements!

You know, before FH Sponsorship began helping us out, nearly everyone in my community was drinking swamp water and we had to walk a long time to bring it home. Now, things are changing for the better! I get to go to school more regularly, and I'm also getting the medical care that I need to stay healthy.

The adults in my community, including my family, are learning how to grow veggies, keep animals, and start businesses that make money. This way, we're working towards a stronger, self-reliant Bwira. Hopefully, we can help other communities in Rwanda do the same one day!

Would you be kind enough to keep me, my family, and my entire community in your thoughts and prayers as we continue working towards a better future? Big thanks from the bottom of my heart for your support and hope!