public Rwanda
My Name is Fillette
Hi there! I am a six-year-old girl from Bwira, Rwanda. I have one brother but no sister. I love going to school, mainly because I get to learn languages - they're my favorite! When I get home, I help my family with chores like carrying water. It's challenging since we live high in the mountains but I enjoy the effort. In my free time, I love playing traditional games with my friends.
Living in Bwira is hard. We are the poorest district, with a lot of people having trouble with food. We used to drink water straight from the swamp but now, thanks to FH Sponsorship, we have a safer source. My family are small farmers, just like most folk here. With support from FH, we're learning new ways to grow vegetables and raise livestock. They're even teaching us to make a living out of it. I’m excited not only because it helps us but we can also assist other Rwandan communities in the future.
Despite all the hardship, we're full of hope. I can go to school regularly and get the health care I need. I am grateful to everyone who’s helped. Please, keep us in your prayers for a sustainable future. Thank you so much for making a difference in my life.