public Ethiopia

My Name is Milkesa

  • cake 6
  • sports_soccer Soccer
  • water_full Carrying Water
  • translate National Languages


Hi! I'm a 5-year-old boy from Leka Dulecha, which is a far-away place in Ethiopia. It's really nice here, but we don't have cars or big houses. I live with my family, it’s only me, no brothers or sisters. I feel strong and healthy every day! I love going to school, my favorite thing to learn about is different languages. Once school is done, I help my family by lugging water back to our home from the well. It's tough, but I feel happy that I can help! Also, I really REALLY like playing soccer with my friends.

Life here can be hard, we don't have much and sometimes getting clean water or seeing a doctor can be not easy. Our school is super old and could be better. But, we've a lot of good, clever people here. Also, lots of families have got together with a plan and are trying even harder for a nicer future. We're kind of like superheroes, trying to make Leka Dulecha a great place to be. Thanks for helping and caring about me and my community!