public Guatemala
My Name is Rafael
Hi there, I'm a 7-year-old boy from Cotzal, a farming region in Guatemala. I live with my sister and we help our parents at home by doing chores like cleaning. I love going to school ’cause drawing is my absolute favourite! I also like playing soccer after school.
Life here isn’t really easy. Long back, there was a nasty war and many families, including mine, still face its scars. Our dads often travel to coffee farms for work and moms manage the farm and home. I'm lucky, though – I get to go to school because a kindness program called FH is helping us!
The people in FH are super cool, they show my mommy how to keep us healthy and my daddy how to farm better. They've even given me a chance to reach my dreams. They are changing things here! All my friends and I can now go to school. I have a hope-filled future, thanks to them. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to build a better life. Thanks for lending your ears and hearts.