public Bangladesh

My Name is Yasin

  • cake 7
  • sports_soccer Soccer
  • water_full Carrying Water
  • translate National Languages


Hiya! I’m a 6-year-old boy living in a place called Ratna Palong, in Ukhia, Bangladesh. It's a small and poor community, but it has a big heart. We live simply in little houses and most of us work in farms or as day labourers. I have two sisters and one brother. We all work really hard. After school, where my favourite subject is national languages, I help carry water for my family, but I make sure there’s still time to have fun. I really love playing soccer!

Life here can be pretty hard, but things are getting better! A group called FH is helping our community to grow and thrive. They're teaching us really valuable things like reading and how to farm better. They’re also helping us get clean water and safe toilets. It’s not easy, but with our community and FH working together, I believe anything's possible. I'm grateful that you're also a part of this journey with us. Thank you!