Articles tagged #CAMBODIA
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Youth Deserve a Future

Life-skills training in Bukiende, Uganda gave 25-year-old Junior the shot at success he deserved. “Being successful is everyone’s desire,” says Junior. “It doesn’t matter whether the person is a child, youth, or aged

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When an Ending is a New Beginning

I came to this new community with no capital, no land, no cows,” said Poch.

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How Water Gave Sreytoch’s Family Hope

Here in Canada, we know what it’s like to experience hot weather and droughts. It impacts crops, fuels wildfires, and results in water restrictions every summer. But have you ever completely run out of water?

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Working to Bring Families Back Together

When her siblings migrated to Thailand to look for work, 20-year-old Sara became responsible for her nieces and nephew. Economic migration is separating too many families in Cambodia—here’s how Sara is working to change that.

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From Vulnerable to Changemaker

Single parents struggle with mental health more than two-parent households. Community support and income solutions helped single mom Channoeurn overcome anxiety and stress and become a powerful child advocate.

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Hope for the Next Generation

Cham comes from a family that didn’t know the value of formal education. Instead of attending school, they worked hard at their farming and did their best to survive. But Cham is determined that her family will be different

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From Drop-Out to Role Model

How a Young Girl is Transforming her Community's Future

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Does Child Sponsorship Really Work?

Does child sponsorship really work?

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Cambodia: Snapshots of Hope

While the past two decades of economic development have resulted in a significant reduction in poverty, there is still much to be healed, especially in rural areas. FH Canada partners with FH Cambodia in 35 communities in the northern provinces of Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey. Together, they cast an ambitious vision for their future.

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Strength for Today, Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Five years ago, families in the community of Prasat Krohom Meanchey were struggling. Parents couldn’t find employment that paid enough to support their children. The land wouldn’t give enough to feed their children. In desperation, many fathers like Chhom migrated to neighbouring provinces or even crossed the border into Thailand looking for work in construction.

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From Migrants to Makers

How do we achieve SDG 1 Zero Hunger so families don't have to migrate for work? By providing sustainable livelihoods for the whole community.

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Ry Lai Raises His Income with New Agriculture

When selling home-grown vegetables is your bread and butter, it’s no small thing to run out of the fertilizer that makes them grow big and juicy. Or for a pest to devour your spinach and cabbage crops. Or to have hang-ups getting freshly cut produce to market on time.

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Buzzing with Life

It’s a bright, sunny morning and you’ve made some healthy buckwheat pancakes for breakfast. Digging through your pantry for some punchy, flavourful toppings, you pull out blueberry jam, almond butter, and some honey. Thinking briefly about the bees that make your honey, you spread a liberal amount of the sweet, sticky topping on your pancakes. Little do you realize, it’s not just honey that bees are responsible for. Without bees, you would not have any ingredients that make up your breakfast! Buckwheat pancakes, blueberry jam, and almond butter all come from crops that bees play a large role in pollinating.

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Family Health Flourishes in the Hands of Mothers

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Building Back Brightly

For students in rural Cambodia, pandemic lockdowns have closed schools and have made learning a disjointed and difficult process. Schools have been mostly closed since the onset of the pandemic, jarred by reopening and closing again. The substandard education experience for children in the community weighed on the Prasat Krohom Meanchey village chief, Mr. Chhoeun Ngoun. “While COVID-19 was spreading through the community, 19 schools were temporarily closed and left children out of in-person school,” he explains. But Chhoeun had a plan to help kids continue learning together outside of school.

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Heroes of Transformation: Meet Chun Ul

Chun Ul was a newcomer to Ta Siem only a few years ago. Now, she's a key leader in her community, setting an example for others to follow!

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Learning Your Value

For anyone, a chance to learn and grow can make you feel valuable. And 12-year-old Rorn Hann didn’t always feel valued.

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Recipe: Cambodian Kuong (Spring Rolls)

Kuong is enjoyed by Khmer people across Cambodia as a lunchtime snack, street-food treat, and party platter favourite—some people even eat it for breakfast! It’s a great way to jazz up leftover meat!

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Recipe: Bangladeshi Nakshi Pitha

This popular traditional and ornamental Bangladeshi appetizer is a crowd pleaser. Often served at festivals or while entertaining guests in villages, these fried rice cakes make for the perfect savoury or sweet, crispy and flakey (and beautiful) treat.

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Communities of Courage

Have you ever tried to change your family’s diet? Convince your children to eat new foods like cauliflower rice or chopped spinach in their tomato sauce? It can be a hard sell. Many of us struggle with change. Perhaps you’ve had to learn a new and seemingly impossible computer program for work, adapt to driving a manual car, or cut monthly expenses in order to save for that replacement phone you really need? It takes courage to change a habit or routine,try new technologies, or embrace different beliefs.

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