Articles written by FH staff writer
Articles written by
FH staff writer
Friends on the Journey
It’s often said that the day a woman gives birth is the most dangerous day of her life. Sylvia Namakoye knows all too well the dangers of pregnancy and birth. Living in the rural village of Nabukhoma, Bukiende, Sylvia’s home was too far from the closest health centre to walk to her antenatal appointments.
Growing in Compassionate Leadership
“I thank FH for supporting my community, for the ideas they have shared with mothers, families, children, and young students and for the training developed with the leaders. They have been a great blessing for [the families] now they are putting into practice what they have learned.” — José
The Poverty of Being Overlooked
Poverty isn't just a lack of material goods. It’s a mindset, an emotional state, a social position, a self-perception. When Annonciate in Burundi was equipped with skills to care for her family, she gained the confidence to participate in community and leave behind her shame.
What you need to know about the Tigray crisis
With North American news outlets still dominated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a humanitarian crisis in Tigray, Ethiopia is falling off the radar. Here are a few critical questions about the situation answered.
Heroes of Transformation: Meet Tina
I feel it is necessary to contribute for the development of my community. In the past there was no opportunity [for women] to participate in leadership due to cultural issues, but thanks to FH training there has been a great change in the community and in the integration of leadership.
A Healthy Gift
Josephine and Francois weren’t doing well. Even though they were happily married, it seemed like life’s problems were endless. There wasn’t enough money, there wasn’t enough food, and their three young kids seemed to always be sick and underweight. Even the land their garden was on didn’t belong to them—they were renting it for a monthly fee.
UPDATE: Guatemala Hurricane Response
Partner communities in Guatemala continue to battle the chaos following two consecutive hurricanes, Eta and Iota. After weeks of destructive wind, rain, and floods, the communities in Cotzal and the community of Villa Hortensia II are only just starting to plan to return to rebuild. The partner communities of Acul, Rio Azul, and Xonca, on the other hand, have only seen minor damages; many families were on alert at the outset of Iota, and took precautions or relocated.
Welcome to Cotzal
Tucked away in the remote valleys of north western Guatemala lies San Juan Cotzal. Its mountainous region and foggy, pine-forested slopes are home to a cluster of nine communities: Los Angeles, Tixelap, Quisis, Chichel Chisis, Santa Avelina, Ojo de Agua, Vichibala, and San Felipe Chenla.
Better Together
Over the last three years, Food for the Hungry (FH) Canada has spearheaded an innovative and collaborative online platform called In this virtual arena, over 40 Canadian organizations who participate in poverty alleviation contribute dynamic educational resources for Canadians in search of healthy ways to address poverty right here in our own country.
Saving her Family, Serving her Community
Savings and Loans groups empower rural people - especially women - to get a small business up and running.
UPDATE COVID-19 and Partner Communities
See the most recent updates from all of our partner communities.
A Child, A Community, and You
Child Sponsorship doesn’t just transform the life of a single child— it changes the whole community. By developing leaders, training teachers, and equipping farmers, the resources from your sponsorship have a wide-reaching impact.
Surviving the Hunger Pandemic
The community of Char Borobila hasn’t been the same since the pandemic hit.
Recipes: Hot & Cold Drinks
Whip up some of the tastiest drinks from around the world! Across partner communities, coffees, teas, and fruit drinks are part of gatherings, traditions, and relaxation. From hot, rich, and creamy flavours to cold, fruity and tangy, you’re covered here. You’ll find something that hits the spot as spring turns to summer!
Heroes of Transformation: Meet Afrose Akter
From grassroots to glass ceilings, Afrose Akter is shattering stereotypes of female leadership in Bangladesh.
25 Years of Ending Poverty
Food for the Hungry was established in the U.S. in 1971. Two decades later FH Canada launched our unique approach to ending poverty together!