public Rwanda

My Name is Jeanine

  • cake 9
  • sports_cricket Traditional Games
  • water_full Carrying Water
  • music_note Singing


Hi there, I'm an 8-year-old girl living in Bwira, Rwanda, one of the poorest communities in our district. It's tricky to reach us here because of twisting mountain roads. We were mostly small-plot farmers not so long ago and didn’t even have clean water to drink. My favorite time at school is when I'm singing, I just love it! When I come home, my work is to carry water to help my family.

Life is changing though, thanks to FH Sponsorship. They care for my health and because of them, I am now able to go to school regularly. They also work with the adults here, teaching them how to raise livestock and grow more vegetables. It's nice! Now that we're learning to take care of ourselves, we know that someday we'll be able to help other poor communities in Rwanda too.

I like playing traditional games and I have one sister who I play with. Remember us in your prayers as we work towards a better, healthier life. Though we are poor, we keep smiling and singing. Thank you for supporting us and giving us hope!