public Rwanda

My Name is Odette

  • cake 8
  • sports_cricket Traditional Games
  • water_full Carrying Water
  • translate Language


Hi there! I'm a seven-year-old girl living in Bwira, Rwanda, a place with big hills and really twisty roads. My life is a little tough since our community is not very rich and many of us don't get enough food to eat. I have three sisters and no brothers, which is pretty cool most times. I'm not the strongest but I do okay.

I love learning about language at school, that's the best part of my day! After school, I help my family by fetching water takes almost half an hour. I love playing traditional games with my friends too. Things got better when FH started helping us! They've helped me go to school regularly and get the health care I need.

It's not all sad though! FH, my family, and community want to make our home better. We're learning how to grow more vegetables, keep animals and come up with ways to earn money. One day, we want to help other communities just like ours in Rwanda too! Please keep me, my family and my community in your prayers as we work for a better future. Thank you for standing with us!