public Rwanda

My Name is Iradukunda

  • cake 7
  • directions_run Running
  • group_add Helping the Family
  • translate National Languages


Hi! I’m 7 years old, and I live in Bwira, Rwanda, with my 5 sisters and 2 brothers. My health is okay, but I always do my best! My favorite subject in school is national languages because I love learning how to communicate better. When I get home, I help my family with chores and enjoy running around with my siblings. Our community is a bit tough because many people here drink swamp water and we work hard on our small farms.

I am thankful for the help from FH Sponsorship! It lets me go to school regularly and get the healthcare I need. I dream of a brighter future for my family and our community. The local FH staff are teaching my family how to grow vegetables and take care of animals, so we can all be stronger together. Please pray for us as we try to make our lives better. Thank you for your support and hope!