public Rwanda

My Name is Benitha

  • cake 11
  • sports_soccer Ball Games
  • water_full Carrying Water
  • calculate Arithmetic


Hello there! I'm a ten-year-old girl living happily in Bwira, Rwanda with my brother. Every day, I go off to school where I really love learning arithmetic - it's so much fun to solve problems! Then after, I help my family carry water from the swamp, which can be tiring but I don't mind. I do have a blast playing my favorite ball games though!

Our village is quite poor and a bit tricky to reach because of the twisty mountain roads that lead here. And did you know that 92.5 percent of us used to drink swamp water? Well, not anymore! Thanks to the helpful folks at FH Sponsorship, we now have protected water, and they're teaching grown-ups how to grow vegetables, raise animals, and even start projects to get some money. Because of their help, I'm able to get to school most days and get the medical care I need. I'm really hopeful and excited about our future here in Bwira. I hope you can remember to send good thoughts our way as we work together for our community. Thanks so much!