public Rwanda

My Name is Delphine

  • cake 6
  • sports_soccer Ball Games
  • group_add Helping the Family
  • translate National Languages


Hi! I’m a 6-year-old girl from Bwira, Rwanda. I don’t have any sisters, but I do have one awesome brother! My favorite subject at school is national languages because I love learning how to speak and write. When I get home, I help my family, and we work together on our small farm. I really enjoy playing ball games with my friends, especially when we laugh and have fun!

Life here is a bit tough because our community has many challenges. Most of us used to drink swamp water, and it took a long time to get clean water. But with the help of FH, I can go to school more often and get the health care I need. The grown-ups are learning how to grow vegetables and raise animals so we can all have better lives. I feel hopeful for my future and my community! Please pray for us as we work hard for a better tomorrow. Thank you!