public Ethiopia

My Name is Robe

  • cake 7
  • sports_soccer Soccer
  • water_full Carrying Water
  • translate National Languages


Hi! I’m seven years old, and I live in Leka Dulecha, Ethiopia, with my two sisters and two brothers. We have lots of fun together, even if we don't have many toys. My favorite subject in school is national languages because I love learning how to speak and write. When I come home, I help my family carry water from the well. It can be heavy, but it feels good to help!

I really enjoy playing soccer with my friends in the open fields. Even though our school is simple and sometimes we don’t have all the things we need, I believe we can make our community better. I am thankful for the projects that help us get clean water and improve our schools. I dream of a happy and healthy place for all the kids here! Thank you for supporting us and making our future brighter!