public Guatemala
My Name is Jose
Hi! I'm seven years old and I have two sisters and two brothers. I live in Cotzal, a beautiful place in northern Guatemala. My favorite thing to do in school is drawing because I can use lots of colors and let my imagination run wild! After school, I help my family by sweeping our little home. I also love playing soccer with my friends in the dirt.
In my community, many families grow maize and vegetables on small farms, and some dads work far away on coffee farms. We’ve had some tough times because of a war before I was born, but things are getting better. Thanks to child sponsorship, I can go to school, and my family is learning how to be healthier. I feel hopeful about the future, and I’m grateful for the support that helps us. Please keep us in your prayers as we work together to make our lives better!
In my community, many families grow maize and vegetables on small farms, and some dads work far away on coffee farms. We’ve had some tough times because of a war before I was born, but things are getting better. Thanks to child sponsorship, I can go to school, and my family is learning how to be healthier. I feel hopeful about the future, and I’m grateful for the support that helps us. Please keep us in your prayers as we work together to make our lives better!