public Guatemala

My Name is Caty

  • cake 10
  • crib Dolls
  • cleaning_services Sweeping
  • stylus_note Drawing


Hi! I’m 10 years old and live in Cotzal, a small town in northern Guatemala. I have one sister and one brother. My favorite thing to do in school is drawing. When I come home, I help my family by sweeping the floor. I love playing with my dolls and imagining all sorts of adventures.

In my community, many families have small farms where we grow maize and vegetables to sell. Sometimes, our dads have to leave for a while to work on coffee farms, which makes us miss them. I know that before FH came, many kids couldn’t go to school because they were too sick or their parents couldn’t afford it. But now, thanks to their help, almost all kids like me can learn! I’m really grateful for the support we get. Please pray for my family and our community as we keep trying to make things better!