public Guatemala

My Name is Dylan

  • cake 7
  • sports_soccer Soccer
  • nature_people Gathering Firewood
  • stylus_note Drawing


Hi! I’m seven years old and I live in Cotzal, a small town in northern Guatemala. I have two sisters, and we all help our family after school. My favorite thing to do in school is drawing. I love to create pictures of everything around me! After school, I gather firewood to help my family. I also enjoy playing soccer with my friends.

In my community, many families grow food like maize in their small farms. Some fathers are away for work in coffee farms, trying to help us. There was a tough time here before I was born, but now things are getting better. Thanks to Child Sponsorship, I can go to school, and many kids are learning too. The staff help our parents with health care and farming tips. I feel hopeful about my future, and I’m thankful for the support. Please keep me and my family in your prayers!