public Bangladesh

My Name is Abdul

  • cake 7
  • sports_soccer Ball Games
  • water_full Carrying Water
  • calculate Counting


Hi there! I'm a fun-loving 6-year-old boy from Ratna Palong, a community in Ukhia, Bangladesh. I don't have any sisters, just two brothers. My health, it's okay. At school, counting is my favorite game, guess that’s why it’s my favorite subject too. After school, I help my family by carrying water, it's a bit heavy but it keeps me strong. Plus, I love playing ball games with my brothers and friends.

You'll guess from my duties, life here isn't the rosiest, my community is one of the poorest in Bangladesh. Most families, like mine, live in small houses and work as farmers or day labourers. But, guess what? FH is helping us big time! They're our cheerleaders in improving our lives, getting us healthy, and making learning fun! They also make sure we have clean water, nice toilets, and are teaching us cool things like better farming methods. Thank you so much for being part of this journey!