public Bangladesh

My Name is Yeasin

  • cake 6
  • sports_cricket Playing Cricket
  • fireplace Carrying Wood
  • translate National Languages


Hi there! I'm a five-year-old boy from Ukhia, living right by the beautiful Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh. I live in a tiny place called Holdia Palong. It's a little poor here, but that's okay. I have a big family with one sister and four brothers, and I'm as healthy as can be!

I love going to school. My favourite subject is national languages, although I help my family after class by carrying wood. And I really love cricket a lot! FH is working super hard with leaders from our community, so that more kids like me can live happily, stay healthy, and learn lots in school just like I do.

Even though we don't have much, we're doing our very best here in Ukhia. FH encourages us to use whatever we have and helps us figure out how to deal with whatever we don't. We're making things better by having cleaner water, better toilets, learning to read and write better, and mastering better ways of farming and doing business. Thanks to all who're helping us grow stronger each day!