public Bangladesh

My Name is Mohammed

  • cake 5
  • directions_run Running
  • water_full Carrying Water
  • translate National Languages


Hello! I am a little boy of four years living in Ukhia, specifically in a community called Holdia Palong in Bangladesh. I'm lucky to have a brother. In school, I enjoy studying languages. Isn't it amazing how words weave magic? After classes, I become a water carrier for my family. It's fun and it also helps my family.

We live simply here; most of us are farmers like my papa or work simple jobs. Even though things can be tough, I find joy in running around our community. I feel the wind on my face and it's like flying. My health is good and I hope it stays that way. Our community is working hard with an organization called FH. They help us get clean water, teach grown-ups how to read, and show us better ways to farm. It's a busy and exciting time in Holdia Palong and I’m happy to be part of it. Thanks for joining us here!