public Bangladesh

My Name is Ankita

  • cake 8
  • toys Soft Toys
  • household_supplies Cleaning
  • menu_book English


Hi there! I'm a 7-year-old girl who lives in Holdia Palong, Ukhia, in the southeast of Bangladesh. It's kind of close to the Bay of Bengal which is super cool. My health is pretty good, thank the stars! At school, I just love English- I can chat with you! After school, I do my bit by helping my family clean up our small house. It ain't much, but it’s home! Oh, I also love my soft toys.

Our corner of Bangladesh is not one of the richest, and life can be tough. Lots of families around here work as farmers or labourers. But you know what? We've got good hearts and brave souls. Our community is working together with this lovely organisation called FH. They're helping us improve our lives. We kids are getting healthier and learning new things at school - especially me, with my favorite subject, English! Together, we are trying to tackle woes like access to clean water and decent sanitation, besides learning how to farm better. Thank you for being a part of our journey to a better life!