public Bangladesh

My Name is Rupna

  • cake 6
  • directions_run Running
  • toys Picking up Toys
  • translate National Languages


Hi there! I'm just a little 5-year-old girl from a place called Ukhia in Southeast Bangladesh, close to the big Bay of Bengal. I live in a community called Holdia Palong - it's not the richest, but it's our home. Most of us live in small homes and our mums and dads work very hard as farmers or doing different jobs every day.

I like my school a lot, especially my national languages classes - they're just the best! After school, I lend a hand at home by picking up my toys. I'm also quite good at running around! We're trying to make things better here in Holdia Palong with the help of some friends from FH. They're helping us learn better ways to farm, read and write, and access clean water. It's so kind of you to be part of our journey to create better lives. Thanks a heap!